Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My Thoughts on the Article

I think that the things that were touched on in the article were very important. While e-books are helpful, they aren't "real" books and a lot of how effective read alouds are is the fact that someone is with the child reading to them and showing them that they are important. I think it's important that these distinctions are made and these experiences are not absent from a child's life.

However, in classrooms, I think that these things are important experiences and they definitely have their place. While I think that teachers need to be careful how they use these types of technology, I think that most teachers would be able to find an appropriate use for them and a way that is effective for students.


  1. I agree with you. Nothing can replace an adult reading to a child. I do feel that it can reinforce what the parents have taught them.

  2. I also agree with you. E-books are great, but they can't replace the one on one interaction between an adult and a child. Children still need to have the opportunity to learn reading skills from someone that cares about them. This will be important for us and new teachers to understand that we can't use technology to replace interaction with the students. We need to use it to enhance what we are already doing.

  3. I agree e-books can't replace an actual book or an adult that is reading to them. Children still need to have the face to face interaction because it is an important part of their learning. I think that e-books can be beneficial though because they are being exposed to literature in a new environment and are able to hear different voices.

  4. I feel that students should learn how to read actual books before they are introduced to e-books. I feel that e-books can be very beneficial to students, once they have the grasp of reading a real book. I don't know if it's just me, but I sometimes prefer reading an actual book rather than a Kindle, Nook, or e-book just for the pure fact of turning the actual page. E-books are a piece of technology that I would like to get more accustomed to just because I have not had experience with using this technology. I would love to learn more about them though so that I could use them in my classroom.
