Thursday, May 19, 2011

Social Networking in Education

I'm really curious about how social networking works or doesn't in a classroom. Obviously, a lot of students find it useful, and I think that the quality of writing is obviously better. I have concerns about the safety issues and all of that, obviously, but I think that the benefits far outweigh the risks. Sometimes, we have to step out of our comfort zones to get kids into theirs. Eventually, I want the kids to be able to translate the passion and the quality of the writing they do on the social networking to other forms of writing as well. However, wherever we have to start is okay with me.

I think that this would be a great opportunity for homework (understanding that not all students have access to the internet or a computer at home and they would need to be given time at school). I think that I would have been pretty motivated to do my homework when I was younger, and even now, if it would have involved getting onto a social networking site.

I love the idea of building a stronger classroom community through these sites. I also think that we're teaching them how to act appropriately by doing this, and I think that kids will have better relationships with teachers by getting this experience and seeing their teachers in this way. Further, we can educate them about online security and give them these experiences in a safe and highly controlled area.

I know that a lot of people were concerned about how much time this would take the teacher, but I think that after a certain amount of time, the teacher would leave a lot of this up to the students, and then it would just be checking it to make sure that everyone is appropriate and doing what they're supposed to be doing. For example, the status update decoding. I think that this is something that the teacher wouldn't have to do a lot with, but the kids are getting a lot out of it and learning something without the teacher planning something new everyday. Also, if the students are only checking these sites once or twice a week, there wouldn't be that much planning anyway, it's planning an extra lesson twice a week. Also, a lot of the things that you would be doing on the social networking sites are things that you would probably be doing anyway, writing prompts, writing stories, commenting on others' stories and writing prompts, etc. So they're doing the same things that they would be doing in the classroom, but just in a different context.

I'm fascinated by this, and I think it would be so motivating and fun for students to do these things. I really want to be able to learn more about this!


  1. I also love the idea of building classroom community using social networking sites. If you teach students how to act appropriately on the sites they may take this information and apply it to how they act on other social networking sites and maybe even in the classroom. It is a great way for students to get to know their classmates better because they may be listening to students' ideas and opinions that they have never heard before. They could realize that they have things in common with each other. It could also be a beneficial way for the teacher get to know his or her students better.

  2. I like your comment about getting out of our comfort zone and it's the kids'. The classroom community is a great idea. I also think, it would be a great way for allow parents into the 'community'. You make a good point about time, it really is what we could be doing in the classroom, but instead online.

  3. "Sometimes, we have to step out of our comfort zones to get kids into theirs." I think that this statement is so true when it comes to teaching and technology. We can't teach what we don't know. I feel that teachers do need to step out of their comfort zones and learn about technology such as social networking sites so that they can use it in their classrooms.
